SocialHire is fully automated and integrates seamlessly with thousands of other applications and systems. The entire recruitment process is digitized, including background checks and talent assessments. Applicants are automatically updated with the progress of their application and use electronic signatures for the fast and efficient signing of documentation.

APIs and Customization
By using SOAP and REST APIs to integrate with external systems, SocialHire enjoys the benefits of both. SocialHire is robust yet simple, It is an agile and flexible system and it is compatible with multiple call and data types. It is a powerful software solution that can be customized to ensure it works across multiple recruitment environments. This flexibility makes the ideal software solution for recruiting a contingent workforce that can require ever-changing requirements and has traditionally been labor-intensive. Automated recruitment makes contingent workforce recruitment far more efficient and cost-effective.
The user interface has been designed to provide applicants with the same smooth experience that recruiters enjoy.
From start to finish, SocialHire offers enhanced functionality, making it the best applicant tracking software for applicants and recruiters.
Web-to-Lead Integraion
Attracting visitors to your website is a critical part of digital marketing. Once they’re on your site, don’t just let them visit once and leave. You can make the most of your web traffic by turning visitors into new leads for your marketing and sales teams to work. That’s where forms come into play.
Directing visitors to a form on your website where they enter information about themselves and their interest in your offerings is an easy and powerful way to turn them into leads. A well-designed form can capture key information about visitors, including demographics and specifics about their interest in your products and services. This marketing and sales technique is called web-to-lead.